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The Campaign for SAIT TOMORROW’S TALENT, TODAYREAL OPPORTUNITIES REAL FUTURES The world of work is changing fast. We need new skill sets and technical capabilities to help our industries, communities and economies not only keep up, but grow and thrive. While we can’t predict what tomorrow will look like, we can prepare our students to succeed within this constant change. At SAIT, our students don’t study the future — they shape it. Together, with your support, we’re building real futures — looking beyond a single vision of tomorrow to create wide-open possibilities and endless opportunities. We’re making space for innovators and disruptors who will challenge us to create more prospects for more people. SAIT trains the people who do the work to drive real change. But now, we’re going further — dramatically transforming how, who and what we teach. Real Futures™ will unlock the vast potential of our students, providing our communities, industries and province with the top talent they need today. And tomorrow. Real Futures™ isn’t about simply reacting to change — it’s about empowering our students to be the leaders of that change, realizing vibrant, meaningful lives that contribute to our increasingly complex economy. To succeed, we need support from the people who believe the best is yet to come for our students and Alberta. We need you. So let’s push forward, together, with real purpose. 2 The Campaign for SAITWe live in an exciting time. Technology is rapidly advancing, altering how we work and relate to one another. During periods of radical change, those who keep pace reap real benefits. That’s why SAIT is raising $150 million — so our students can meet this exciting moment, embrace change and unlock the future’s potential. Your investment will ensure that our province’s economic engine remains resilient for many years to come. Because a talent pool trained for tomorrow will keep us globally competitive, advancing the industries SAIT has partnered with for more than a century. Delivered by SAIT. Enabled by the School for Advanced Digital Technology. Your support will ensure Alberta’s workforce — the real people at the centre of this transformation — are equipped for what’s happening right now and ready to lead into what’s coming next. With your generous support, the real work of building Real Futures™ begins right now. Your support will transform: 3SAIT is harnessing fresh perspectives to change how we teach. As new technologies, spaces, ideas and people drive Alberta’s economy forward, we are reimagining ways of delivering instruction. 4 The Campaign for SAITConfidence in Calgary’s potential for continued growth can be found across Canada and around the world — from 2021 to Q2 2024, our city’s population grew more quickly than other major Canadian cities. It isn’t only people arriving, though — in 2023, Calgary attracted near- record venture capital investments of more than $500 million. Access to timely, relevant training is the key to unlocking further potential within this growth. Source: Calgary Economic Development, Uplook 2024 Progress Report 56 The Campaign for SAIT WHY NOW AND WHY SAIT? Driven by new technologies, the ways we work and relate to one another are changing fast. Our purpose is to ensure that tomorrow’s talent reflects, and supports, this reality. One way to do so is to introduce students to these new technologies early, positioning them to succeed within the changing landscape of work. Applied learning provides critical hands-on training, and mobilizes ultramodern equipment, expertise and facilities to deliver solutions in partnership with the existing talent pool and industry. SAIT is at the centre of this mobilization and connects students directly to the action in industry, placing them steps ahead once they complete their studies and enter the world of work. We take a leadership role in everything from shaping more sustainable construction practices, to meeting Canada’s growth needs, to addressing an increasing digital deficit in our country’s skilled tradespeople. Our innovative applied research programs harness robotics and materials science, with the potential to help Canadians build homes at never-before-seen speeds. And our use of virtual reality trains tomorrow’s Red Seal plumbers at the highest industry standard. In the applied education space, we are leading the way when it comes to integrating industry insights into the talent pipeline — we are delivering the right skills at the right time to address real needs.WHAT DOES THIS LOOK LIKE ACROSS CAMPUS? Innovative approaches to education and contemporary, purpose-built spaces will connect SAIT students to their learning and career goals. From instructors using virtual reality to let plumbing students dive into piping systems, to creating a campus Welcome Centre that will provide support beyond the classroom — we’re transforming how we meet the needs of our learners and reimagining our role as the core talent partner for industry. When it makes sense, we’re taking instruction into virtual spaces where we can reach more people, in less time, with greater efficiency and results. We’re using emerging tools like artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) to enhance student learning and bring lessons and ideas to new places and spaces. We are transforming our physical spaces to be adaptive to the realities of today’s technology and ensuring these spaces can evolve in response to what’s coming tomorrow. A new vision for comprehensive student support, considering mental and physical health, resilience and increased connection to community, will come to life in the new Taylor Family Campus Centre. Our award-winning School of Hospitality and Tourism will leverage Calgary’s proximity to one of Canada’s most-visited tourist destinations with a new presence in Banff. SAIT students will gain exposure to a major Canadian tourism hub and hone their skills with visitors from all around the world. REAL RESULTS • With a focus on student wellness and sustainability, the Taylor Family Campus Centre will welcome more than 26,000 students each year. • 50 programs across all eight schools will use emerging technologies such as AI, VR, and AR in their course delivery within the next five years. • 7,000 students per year will use AI, VR or AR as tools in their educational experiences and in solving industry problems by 2026. DONOR IMPACT EXAMPLES Taylor Family Campus Centre To support tomorrow’s students, we need to better support the whole person. Beyond academics, a transformed campus centre will accelerate the personal and professional development of SAIT students and enhance their physical and mental health. Access to resources such as peer counselling, food security supports and professional interventions — all contained within the new vision for campus centre — will ensure SAIT students embody real resilience, both on and off campus. Cyber Range Located downtown, this cutting-edge facility will enhance our state of cyber readiness while aligning with industry expertise. It will provide access to critical training opportunities and ensure greater digital security across businesses, institutions and individuals. Students training in this facility will gain exposure to cyber simulations, industry-led security insights, and a multi-generational community of cyber learning, all from Calgary’s dynamic downtown. Digital transformation of applied healthcare Pharmacy care, respiratory therapy and paramedicine — each is being revolutionized by technology. SAIT will transform its teaching and infrastructure to ensure students are ready for the future of their field. With the addition of hands-on, work integrated learning opportunities and real-life situations, SAIT students will be equipped with the tech know-how they need to enter the workforce. 7Our economy is now truly global. Calgary’s growth is outpacing that of national and international peers. SAIT is a leader in accommodating and integrating this growth. By expanding who we teach, we will increase the number of SAIT graduates available to address industry’s needs for talent today and tomorrow. 8 The Campaign for SAITAlberta is growing — and this growth is outpacing many provincial peers across Canada. Much of the expected growth will be due to migration — both from across Canada and around the world. With an estimated average annual growth rate of 1.6%, our province must respond proactively and channel population growth into economic growth. Source: Alberta Government Economic and Population Dashboard, Q3 2024 9Next >