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THE MAGAZINE FOR SAIT ALUMNI Spring 2023 12 SHINY SIDE UP 5 motorcycling tips for summer 48 ALUMNUS ON ICE Behind the scenes with the NHL 34 CHATGPT 4 questions ENDURE AND THRIVE SAIT ALUMNI WORKING ON THE LAST OF USThat’s why there’s insurance. Unexpected events are a part of life. And they seldom come with a “heads up” warning (wouldn’t that be great?). So how can you be prepared for something you don’t see coming? With Manulife insurance plans. They can help protect you and your family against life-changing events that can happen at any stage of your life. Choose from Health & Dental, Term Life, FollowMe TM Health and more. Get your free quote today. It’s hard to see unexpected events coming. Underwritten by The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company (Manulife). Manulife, Stylized M Design, Manulife & Stylized M Design, and FollowMe Health are trademarks of The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company and are used by it, and by its affiliates under license. Available to Canadian residents only. © 2022 The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company. All rights reserved. Manulife, P.O. Box 670, Stn Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2J 4B8. *Conditions, limitations and exclusions may apply. See policy for full details. Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request. Visit for more information. Call 1-888-913-6333 or visit us at Get a quote today. Protection for what you don’t see coming.WELCOME 01 POWERFUL STORIES WITH THIS MANY ALUMNI STORIES TO CELEBRATE, YOU HAVEN’T HEARD THE LAST OF US. BRIAN BOWMAN DIRECTOR, ALUMNI AND DEVELOPMENT I love a great story, and I love binge-watch- ing the amazing content now streaming on our computers, smartphones and TVs. The new HBO Max release The Last of Us has generated a lot of buzz internationally — and for good reason. It’s been gaining rave reviews not only as a stellar adaptation of a groundbreaking AAA video game, but also as exceptional storytelling in its own right. Complex and compelling, it’s a powerful tale of human connection in the face of cat- astrophic circumstances. There’s another angle, too, and that’s the story behind the making of the series. It even comes with a distinct SAIT perspective: several scenes were filmed on campus, and others were shot across Alberta. In fact, according to Moviemaker magazine (which ranked Calgary in the top 10 of its 2023 list of the best U.S. and Canadian cities to live and work in as a moviemaker), last year saw 11 projects filming here simultaneously, in part because of the wealth of local film talent and crew. Turn to page 16 to learn how dozens of SAIT grads brought their skills to The Last of Us. And that’s only part of the story, because SAIT alumni are also key players in the global film industry. LINK talks with six graduates living and working in major centres beyond this province (page 22). This issue also explores another creative industry by looking at how two long-time SAIT programs — New Media Production and Design, and Graphic Communications and Print Technology — are evolving into a new tech-driven, two-year diploma pro- gram called Interactive Design (page 28). On page 40, Lara Surring (EMT ’19, EMMR ’17) shares her deeply personal story of learning how to make her goals achievable despite being diagnosed with schizophrenia. And David Brownridge (JA ’88) has written an intimate profile of his father, Bill Brownridge, an Advertising Art graduate from 1957 who has been in- ducted into the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame for his beautiful and meaningful paintings (page 36). One of my favourite parts of LINK is Class Notes (page 42), where I always find more fascinating and inspiring alumni stories. Just as filmmakers and artists work to share their stories, LINK works to bring you stories through print, online and social media — stories that are about SAIT graduates, and stories that are important to SAIT graduates. We always love to receive your stories, celebrate your successes, and get your thoughts on what you’re reading in LINK. Join the conversation with #SAITAlumni, send an email to alumni@, or post your own Class Note at sait. ca/alumni/get-involved. I hope you enjoy reading these LINK stories. WELCOME KATE KÜNZ PHOTO BOWMAN IS SHOWN IN EDIT AND COLOUR GRADE SUITE MD218G02 LINK 16 06 On the Cover: Christina Riches (BA ’98) and Umesh Thamotharam (FVP ’21) were among dozens of SAIT alumni on set, in the crew or working in post-production with HBO’s blockbuster The Last of Us. Meet Riches, Thamotharam and others on page 16. IN MEMORIAM REMEMBERING CLARENCE HOLLINGWORTH Celebrating the life of SAIT’s oldest-known alumnus, an integral part of our alumni family for more than 100 years. 06 QUICK START SAIT AND RBC DRIVE THE FUTURE FORWARD An innovative gift from RBC is helping School of Transportation students charge into the future. 09 COMMEMORATING THE ROAD TO PERMANENT RESIDENCY SAIT’s inaugural Permanent Residency ceremony honours 34 SAIT alumni. 08 BUILDING BRIDGES WITH INDIGENOUS COMMUNITIES Jennifer Russell joins SAIT in the newly created role of Director, Indigenous Engagement. 11 EXTENDED REALITY IN EDUCATION How the 2022 Cisco Catalyst Chair Award recipients are bringing teaching experience and tech savvy to their research. 11 OF COURSE: SOCI 2020 Film, television, fashion, celebrity — SAIT’s new Pop Culture course explores its influence on contemporary society. 11 EXPERTISE & INSIGHT PRO TIPS As SAIT launches a Motorcycle Mechanic apprenticeship program, instructor Brandon Bishop talks about getting the most from your motorcycle this summer: “It’s better than seeing a therapist.” 12 HANDS ON Lights! Cameras! Students! Discover the professional-grade equipment available to Film and Video Production students in SAIT’s Checkout Office. 14 CONTENTS 48 HBO/CRAVE NHL IMAGESSPRING 2023 FEATURES ENDURE AND THRIVE Nicole Brandt talks with SAIT alumni bringing their talents to The Last of Us. 16 ON LOCATION In major film, television and digital media production centres worldwide, SAIT alumni bring their passion, personality and skill to global screen industries. 22 DESIGN WITH INTENT What is interactive design, and how can it help tackle business needs, societal problems, and future challenges we can’t yet even imagine? 28 INNOVATION FOUR QUESTIONS ABOUT ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Exploring why ChatGPT is drawing so much attention — and where it might go next. 34 IN THE LOOP LOOKING BACK 38 PROFILES Bill Brownridge (Advertising Art ’58) 36 Lara Surring (EMT ’19, EMMR ’17) 40 CLASS NOTES 42 CALENDAR OF EVENTS 42 ON THE JOB Nobody gets closer to the ice during a National Hockey League game than this SAIT grad. 48 14 22 36 SPRING 2023 CONTENTS 03 Editor-in-Chief: Brian Bowman Supervising Editor: Astrid Gagnier Managing Editor: Alison O’Connor Editor: Nancy Cope Online Editor: Nicole Brandt CONTRIBUTORS: Wunmi Adekanmbi (APRM ’22), E. Antoine Photographie, David Borrowman, Nicole Brandt, David Brownridge (JA ’88), Patrick Cahoon (FVP ’14), Xavier Cattarinich, Nancy Cope, Critical Mass, Cyrielle Fuchs, Getty Images | Vivien Killilea, Gaby Gonzaga, HBO/Crave, Ben Hames (JAF ’22), HarderLee Photography, Grant Harvey (CTSR ’89), Heart of Hockey, Rachel Henry, Kate Künz (ACA ’84), Jeremie Lajoie (FVP ’22), Jazmina Monterrosa, NHL Images, Eric Rosenbaum, Julie Sengl, Colin Way, Giselle Wedemire (JA ’13), Michelle Woodard Creative Direction, Design and Production: Michelle Atkinson (NMPD ’03) Copy Editor: Cathi Bishop Advertising Sales: Josh Naud Printing: BP Media Inc. Cover photo: HarderLee Photography LINK is published twice a year by SAIT Alumni and Development as a service to Southern Alberta Institute of Technology alumni, donors, students, partners, faculty and staff. LINK invites your comments and letters to the editor. Please direct them to SAIT Alumni and Development 1301 – 16 Avenue NW Calgary, AB T2M 0L4 Phone: 403.284.7010 Address updates: 403.284.7010 For all other inquiries: Email: Publications Mail Agreement No.40064317 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Circulation Department 1301 – 16 Ave. NW Calgary, AB T2M 0L4 SAIT is situated on the traditional territories of the Blackfoot Confederacy. The City of Calgary encompasses a region that the Blackfoot tribes of Southern Alberta described as Moh’kinsstis, meaning ‘Elbow,’ in reference to its location at the confluence of the Bow and Elbow rivers. Since time immemorial, this region was a traditional gathering place for the tribes of the Blackfoot Confederacy which today encompasses the Indigenous people of the Treaty 7 region in Southern Alberta: the Siksika, the Piikani, the Kainai, the Tsuut’ina, the Stoney Nakoda First Nations, and the Northwest Métis Homeland — Region 3. COURTESY: HEART OF HOCKEY04 LINK SPRING 2023 ONLINE CONTENT FIND WEB-EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEWS, GET THE LATEST ALUMNI NEWS BETWEEN ISSUES OF LINK, KEEP UP TO DATE WITH EVENTS ON CAMPUS AND DISCOVER HOW YOU CAN GET INVOLVED WITH YOUR ALUMNI COMMUNITY — ALL ONLINE AT SAIT.CA/ALUMNI . AND, AS ALWAYS, YOU CAN REACH US AT ALUMNI@SAIT.CA . In an online exclusive, the Academic Chair of Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for SAIT’s School for Advanced Digital Technology, Lauren Dwyer, PhD, shares an expert’s view on the rapidly advancing world of artificial intelligence and its impact on everyday life. Meet one of Canada’s most popular hockey artists, SAIT Advertising Art graduate Bill Brownridge, in a video created to honour his induction into the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame. Find it and a gallery of his work at . Mike Craig takes LINK rinkside with an extended online interview about his journey to creating the perfect NHL ice surface, and to becoming the League’s Senior Director for Facility and Hockey Operations. PLUS: Enjoy a photo gallery of Mike on the job at the 2023 Honda NHL All-Star Weekend. NHL IMAGES COURTESY: HEART OF HOCKEYSPRING 2023 ONLINE CONTENTS 05 SEEN ON SOCIAL Look who shared SAIT news over the last few months: PREFER TO READ LINK ONLINE? Let us know! Go to to update your reading preferences. SEVEN WAYS TO STAY CONNECTED WITH SAIT @ Update your contact information and send us your email address by visiting and clicking on Stay Connected. @SAITAlumni @SAITAlumni SAIT Alumni @saitalumni Check out the Alumni Business Directory at directory Send us a Class Note by going to get-involved, then clicking on Stay Connected and Class Notes. LINK is made possible through affinity programs with SAIT’s partner companies: Using the group buying power of SAIT’s 271,100+ alumni, these partners offer preferred insurance rates and comprehensive coverage. When you choose their products and services, you get low group rates and help support SAIT alumni programs and events.06 LINK IN MEMORIAM REMEMBERING CLARENCE HOLLINGWORTH (1915–2023) THE SAIT COMMUNITY CELEBRATES THE LIFE OF CLARENCE HOLLINGWORTH (INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICITY ’34), OUR OLDEST-KNOWN ALUMNUS, WHO PASSED AWAY ON JAN. 1, 2023 AT THE AGE OF 107. Clarence Hollingworth was a friend and pillar within our community. He watched and participated in SAIT’s growth and success for more than 100 years — as a child growing up across the street, as a student, and as a faculty member teaching in the electrical engineering department for some 40 years. All who witnessed SAIT’s 2016 Centennial celebrations will recall his call out to the audience to “get to work.” In 2015, SAIT recognized Hollingworth with an honorary Bachelor of Science degree to coincide with his centennial birthday. When he turned 103, the Institute created the Clarence Hollingworth Scholarship, which provides $1,000 to help a deserving pre- employment electrician student achieve an education. And, an award established in 2019 has now been renamed the Clarence Hollingworth Alumni Employee Award of Excellence, recognizing graduates working at SAIT who exemplify excellence, professionalism and a personal commitment to our mission and core values. Hollingworth was devoted to his family, and together they remained close to SAIT students, faculty and fellow alumni. His profound impact and legacy will be felt for years to come, and SAIT extends deepest sympathies to the Hollingworth family.IN MEMORIAM 07 DAVE ALLEN (PLCC ’01, ELP ’74) “Clarence was a wonderful instructor. I was in his class during my first year electrical many years ago. RIP. I had the pleasure to have a coffee with Clarence when he was 103 and he was still witty and sharp. It was the first time I had spoken with him since I was his student almost 50 years prior. I told him how he inspired me to be an instructor at SAIT.” COURTNEY GARLOUGH (RTBN ’10) “What an inspirational gem of a human. So grateful to have had the chance to meet and celebrate him.” KERRIE MARIN “It was such a pleasure to meet Clarence. He was so witty and funny. I will never forget seeing him interviewed onstage with Dave Kelly [during SAIT Centennial celebrations in 2016] and the laughs he conjured up were the best. I still cry watching the centennial stage production when he walks out and says ‘Let’s get to work!’ One of the best moments in SAIT’s history.” LINDA OLSEN (CTSR ’88, DA ’22) “Sending my condolences to Clarence’s family and friends. I was fortunate to meet and chat with him in 2015 when he received an honorary degree from SAIT. Such an accomplished Calgarian.” AVREE BUJACZEK (BCPM ’15, OYA ’17) “Clarence spoke at my convocation in 2015 when he accepted his honorary degree and was an inspiration.” MARILYNN SANDER FOR SAIT’S ALIVE (THE ASSOCIATION OF RETIRED AND FORMER SAIT EMPLOYEES AND THEIR SPOUSES) “‘Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.’ SAIT’s ALIVE extend their deepest sympathy to the Hollingworth family in the passing of a great guy, Clarence. May he rest in peace.” ASHLEY NAUD (JA ’10) “What a journey this man had. In one of our chats, he told me himself that he planned to live until he was 107. He also said his secret to a long life was that he never stressed about anything, even when life was difficult. I think he was 103 or 104 at the time. Peace, peace, dear Clarence. Let’s get to work.” MANY MEMBERS OF THE SAIT COMMUNITY PAID THEIR RESPECTS TO CLARENCE HOLLINGWORTH THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA. HERE IS A SMALL SELECTION OF THE TRIBUTES POSTED ONLINE. Find the production on YouTube. PHOTOS COURTESY HOLLINGWORTH FAMILYNext >